Back from Tromso for a day now, and almost ready to go back out there again. 01:41:45 got me to 11th in my age class, but I reckon if I don't do anything stupid next year (like drink at Christmas, or get knocked off my bike, or run a 10k PB in the same week, or omit to buy a pair of Asic Gel Arctics) then I should be able to hit 01:30:00. There, I've said it. That can be a first resolution for 2008...

Anyway, the race was beautiful. Precious little ice, but snow all the way round. The route is almost the same as the second half of the summer marathon, but with a few extra hills thrown in near the start and end, to keep you a bit further away from the road. And from the Mackol brewery, perhaps. The whole thing is even quieter and more peaceful - you're just out there, running along between little tin lids of paraffin, wondering why you're doing this and trying not to throw up.
Ah yes, the joy of almost vomitting. Almost chucked up at about 6k; think I overdid it on the pasta at lunchtime. Didn't overdo it on the clothes front: two base layers, two coats, gloves, hat, thick tights, thick socks, waterproof shoes - just about right. Never toasty, never hot.
And not much else to say apart from that. The last bit before the town is really dark - up through a hard little hill to finish you off - but in the darkness it's just so beautiful you don't really mind. More like Christmas than anything else, and when you run past the church and the rest of Tromso's chocolate box Storgatan, it's enough to make you forget the pain.
Plus the awards ceremony was held in the pub opposite the brewery. How great is that?

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