Monday, December 31, 2007

Year of Eating Differently (73): Leon, Great Marlborough Street

Cold, cold day today, made worse by the shower at work not having any hot water. I'm not sure if that was a plan to make my morning more invigorating (thank you, Land Securities) or just a plain old cock-up. Never mind.

Made the trek over to Leon today to get a felefal wrap and an orange juice. Both smaller than I expected, but the wrap has a good meaty taste to it. Who am I fooling? It will have been 11 years to the day tomorrow that I abjured meat (and fish, and chicken...) and still I miss the stuff. Oh woes! Still, at least it means I'm more likely to eat enough vegetables (apart from when I spent three months in Ashford, Kent, eating nothing but margarita pizzas).
Peace out for 2007...


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