Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Year of Eating Differently (74): Burlington Cafe, D'Arblay Street

This does look a rather gloomy establishment from the picture, but that's probably because it was cold cold cold today. In a spare five minutes from upsetting myself by reading comments from angry US citizens on blogs on the BBC website, nipped out, posted a book I'd just sold, and then wandered lost around London looking for somewhere I hadn't eaten before.
It was ... ok. I guess my hackles were raised when I noticed the menu had 'Jaket potato' on offer, and possibly with 'Gherking' - either that's a very royal pickle, or somebody is mistaking their nouns with their verbs. Had some crisps, had an apple, had a 'vegetarian melt' which turns out to be a panino. But not bad, and it's a lot better looking in real life than it is in the photo, and a lot bigger inside than it looks from the outside.


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