Monday, January 14, 2008

Year of Eating Differently (82): Marino's, Rathbone Place

Outside is covered in scaffolding - inside is surprisingly big and airy. This is in marked contrast to everywhere south of Oxford Street, which always seems to be cramped; does that say something about the eating habits of Charlotte Street advertising mavens? Who knows?
Anyhow, cheese and aubergine ravioli for a fiver seems fair enough. It's also cold today, and I forgot to bring a shirt with me (so all I have is my giant brown monk's habit / ill-advised purchase from Aeropostale in NYC in 2006) and possibly as a result, can hardly move my neck. Is that stress? Exhaustion? Time for a lie down? Surely at least one of these.
Anyway, one subtle differentiator to Marino's is that they ask you if you want pepper and cheese on your food - a great benefit compared to Malletti. Just a shame the aubergine is so rubbery, then.


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