Ten years ago, this seemed a contender to Wagamama; noodles, a series of wooden benches where you sat facing your dinnertime companion, a similar minimally-laid out menu. These days, less so. While Wagamama has grown into a behemoth, there are few Satsumas around. On the positive side, this allows them to retain a staff of other-worldly beings; in this case a couple of random Scandinavian servers (Caira and Anders) and some Japanese people.
Furthermore, you get more on the menu. It costs more too, but it's good to get a bento in London. I was pretty much stuffed after I'd eaten all of this:

On the downside, you don't get any citrus fruit after you've finished your meal. But to be fair, the place is more likely to be named after the province in Kagoshima. But that's just a guess. Maybe there's a huge pile of fruit out back somewhere.
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