Monday, February 11, 2008

Year of Eating Differently (101): Crown and Two Chairmen, Dean Street

So after a weekend in Sweden drinking incredibly strong coffee and eating cream buns, back to London. Went to the pub for something to eat.
The place has tried to rebrand itself as a gastropub when it's in the middle of Soho and therefore beset by hordes of weekend drinkers who probably don't appreciate that kind of thing. However, on a Monday lunchtime it's pretty much empty (there's me, the guitarist from a Hawkwind tribute band, and a woman who appears to be sucking her thumb). I get risotto with asparagus, which arrives after twenty minutes, and is pretty good, although far too small. Luckily I've also got chips, but unfortunately chips + risotto is too rich a blend and now I feel bloated and want to go back to sleep.


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