Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Year of Eating Differently (103): Quizno's, The Plaza, Oxford Street

Shattered today: shorinji kempo from 8 till 10.30, then the ride home so I wasn't in bed until 1.30 this morning, and up again at 7 to get the train to work. So, unimaginatively, another sub joint, a bit like Subway, but far rarer, and hidden away in this little mall, along with a KFC and a Spud-U-Like.
The sub on offer here is frankly terrifying - it's as though they thought of every vegetable option there was, and stuck them all in - olives, onions, tomatoes, salad, mushrooms, guacamole? Anyway, the whole thing is really rather unwieldy and quite expensive too, but at the same time lacking in that dirty filthiness that Subway boasts. Perhaps they didn't toast it for long enough, or dope it with enough MSG.


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