Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Year of Eating Differently (121): Pizza Express, Greek Street

So, 120 meals later we're back at Pizza Express, and it's a mushroom pizza again (this time on a Romana base, which is slightly wider and flatter - does the apparent lack of actual increased volume really justify the £1 surcharge?). The Greek Street version of Pizza Express is much darker than Dean Street, with more mirrors, and all the waitresses are pretty identical. Or at least I had to assist my co-diner, who couldn't distinguish the uber-waitress (tall, black framed glasses) from the poor benighted woman responsible for bringing out the food (average height, clear framed glasses). Perhaps the irony of all this is that the whole thing is chopped out in a cookie-cutter these days, so perhaps the only distinguishing features are the waitresses. Who all look the same. Although I don't remember them looking anything like the service staff at Dean Street. But that was so very, very long ago...


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