Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Putting yourself through the mill

Got back last night, couldn't hear out of my right ear (which is possibly a progression on when I flew to London and couldn't hear out of my left ear - or maybe it's just to do with which way the aircraft flies...)
Unpacked, took a photograph of all the lovely presents.
Christmas presents
Feel a little odd doing this - I'm not boasting about how many presents I've got - I'm just happy and a little astounded at everyone's generosity, and I want some way to mark that and distinguish them from just a pile of general stuff that I possess. Although I suppose that's what it is. Oh well...
Checked my marathon schedule, realised I had to go for a 'recovery run'. First time with my new Nike Triax shoes, which have an unsettlingly tacky feel to their soles.
Ooo, new shoes
Shins felt rather sore, otherwise an uneventful 5k. However, being mindful of my failed resolutions for the year, got back home and tried to knock off the 100 press-ups. Managed fifty, which I'm fairly pleased with - and with that rate of improvement from 0 to 50, hopefully I can still hit the magic 100 before the bell tolls tonight. (Or before 8am tomorrow morning, given as HK is ahead of the UK and that's where I set my resolutions... hmm)


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