Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Self promotion, and stuff

Did an hour's run tonight. Bang on 12km, so that's about the same marathon pace as I had two years ago. I'm hoping that by keeping off the booze for three months, I might get a better performance than in the Gold Coast this year. At least if I remember to eat and sleep before the Tokyo Marathon, things might turn out for the best.

Diet Croydon almost has its own website now. Pretty soon you'll be able to go there, order the novel, demand some FREE STICKERS (everyone likes free stickers, right?) and, and, er ... look at pictures of Bromley, or something. My Kebab Hell to follow, perhaps... (There is a blog but without any entries yet... I'll be advertising on Facebook and blogging about whether this has any success - perhaps a new route to market for starving/pretentious artistes...)

Back to London on Friday. A wedding on Monday (not mine, alas...)


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