Whew. One thing ticked off - got through ten minutes at the All Stars night without tripping over, catching fire or punching anyone. Result!
Mind you, there was a tough start for me: a couple of people in the audience were talking (which in a small room is quite distracting) but I got rolling, dropped in my brand new cockroach material that went down surprisingly well, and then my Jakarta-AirAsia joke went down in flames, which wasn't so brilliant. I hadn't primed my number-one-shouting-out-"Jakarta!"-go-to-guy to interject at the right time, and had to make do with some others. Rank amateurs. Pshaw!
I got the light and started wrapping up with my Wan Chai material, then got interrupted by the telephone of a woman in the front row. Who it turned out was being called by the guy next to her.
Great. That's a convoluted way to be heckled. I flounced off after that. Mumble mumble mumble.
Balls. Just remembered I forgot my language material. Next time, next time...
All that sounds a little like I'm very cross. That was actually a very good night for me. No complaints. It's just the pressure of tomorrow's wine tasting MC-spot and my impending doom by novel that's weighing on my mind now.
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