Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Happy Mexican Taco Anniversary

Tonight I've been eating tacos at an American's apartment. I brought some Sapporo to drink, not realising the cultural insensitivity of giving an American some Japanese beer on the anniversary of Pearl Harbour. But since Hong Kong seems to be perfectly designed for the cultural insensitivities of the gweilo, maybe that was appropriate.
Or at least as appropriate as eating Mexican food in South-East Asia can be.

Being British, and never having to have to deal with tacos before, I was laughed at by the Americans for violating some unsaid rule of etiquette. I don't know what their problem was. They could hardly criticise me for the way I ate tacos: I mean, at least I know how to use a knife and fork.

I generated a big appetite today by walking up 14 flights of stairs twice: the second time it only took me 2 minutes and 58 seconds, which was a 5.7% improvement on the first time. If I can keep this level of improvement up, I'll be scaling Taipei 101 in zero seconds come next May.


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