Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Get More Things Done At Once!

Ever thought you weren't achieving enough in life, but didn't know where to start? Wanted to read a self-help book, but didn't have time? Felt you really could make something of yourself, except you couldn't really be bothered?

Your problems are about to be solved.

We've refined thousands of authors' advice into our all-new, all-purpose, all-singing-and-dancing advice tool, harnessing the gimlet-eyed-precision of millions of know-it-alls, along with the wisdom of the crowd and a hefty dose of crowd-sourced originality. We like to call it Get [More] Things Done (At Once)!, or as its devotees (including you!) like to refer to it, G[M]TD(AO)!

Is this infallible system expensive?

Not if you value your time!

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And all you have to do is click the link below, and our highly trained artificial intelligence will tell you what you need to do, to Get [More] Things Done (At Once)!

That's it: to Get [More] Things Done (At Once)! click here. Now! What are you waiting for?


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