Friday, March 07, 2008

Year of Eating Differently (119): Bar Chocolat, D'Arblay Street

There have been varying reports about the quality of food at Bar Chocolate; some people have said it's good, others that it's bad, and still others that it's non-existent because all they serve is booze.
Had a sort of assignation here to meet with a Swedish sound designer who has brought me back some sweets from Stockholm (Plopp, if you were wondering...). Always go mobbed up to a meeting like this, so she brings back-up in the form of another sound designer, and I have an accomplice too, so that if things go south while we make the exchange, somebody's got my back.
Nobody turns up with a shooter though, so we have lunch instead.
Service isn't bad, just very shy. Eventually the waiter detached himself from his hiding place behind the bar and took our order. What is a little surprising is the size of the options. Two of us ordered a chicken wrap, which you wouldn't expect to be big, but turned out to be a cruciform arrangement of four wraps each, in both cases forcing defeat before the meal was over. I got a vegetable pie. A pie in a bowl. A pie in a bowl with no pastry, but with two small pats of butter next to it. Some kind of condiment for the pie? Very confusing.
Full marks for the cocktails. Because I couldn't go back half-cut, and neither could the designers (both working on something top-secret for Sony that involves Terrible Sounds being made in the basement of their Soho building) I had something non-alcoholic; presentation good. Only problem is that the ginger in the ginger beer wasn't strong enough. If a constituent of your meal doesn't make you weep, you're probably not sufficiently emotionally involved.
Finally, although it looks great in the evenings, in the daytime it looks rather shabby on the outside. Here's a photo from the inside instead:


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