Sunday, January 04, 2009

Back to suffering again

Had to put in 22k today. Got up and the sky was pleasingly grey and miserable. Unfortunately, by the time I reached Tai Tam intermediate reservoir, the sun had come out and it was a beautiful day. Disastrous. I set off running, and found I had to share my trails with half of Hong Kong, all carrying
transistor radios
sun shades
walking sticks
small dogs
Against which, an ipod and an extraneous raincoat were not so impressive. I made it down to the reservoir and then, in an attempt to not have to retrace my steps too much on the way to the target distance, ran up a hill towards Park View. Horrendous. Thighs were not at all happy about this, and running back down the hill I had a nasty feeling that I'd done something very wrong to the nail on my second toe, right foot (this vanished for six months after my third marathon, so it's had form) although when I got back, it was still intact. Looking angry at me, but still intact.
I got back to where I'd started - somebody had taken the water bottle I'd left there. Curses! I carried on, staggering down to Wong Nai Chung Gap, then Blue Pool Road, then almost home before finding I was still a mile or so down on where I needed to be, so I ran most of the way to the Stadium, feeling worse and worse, and finished off with most of a lap around Happy Valley - not really keen to be back there having done it to death yesterday.
Ah well. That's a half marathon and change under my belt, and I can still walk and talk (almost). Now to spend the afternoon working on Diet Croydon and my act for Tuesday - annoyingly, I've realised that I don't actually have a spot at the comedy club for almost another 2 weeks. More time to practise, I suppose...


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