Nice place. Shame the last time the beer pipes were cleaned was four years ago. Drank about five pints on an empty stomach then went back to Charing Cross, met a homosexual lawyer from Orpington and a camp Australian, then stormed home.
Woke up this morning, feeling like death, overheated and all. Then had to run 6 miles in the rain, in a t-shirt. Fun fun fun.
But it's not all unalloyed joy. Haven't had a hot meal in three days. Have drawn a rather scary graph though : here...
From a day or two's perspective, hangovers aren't all bad. They do damp down your senstivity to the world, which can only be a boon when you return to the office to find everyone going berserk, while you lack the energy to get upset about anything. I'm pretty sure that was a localised phenomenon - having tried going to work on consecutive hungover days the benefit tends to zero pretty fast...
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