Friday, November 30, 2007

Year of Eating Differently (57): Itsu, Canary Wharf

Well, this is the furthest east we've been on our travels yet. Eagle-eyed or loyal readers might note that this is also the first time we've revisited a brand; Itsu on Wardour Street has already been tested.
This time round, in the soulless dungeons of Bankerland; had a fairly ok couple of boxes of 'vegetarian sunrise' sushi (that's avocado and ginger to you and me) but that was the sole vegetarian option. The bento available on Wardour Street were much better (and bigger) but this probably suggests that the Masters of the Universe in Canary Wharf demand meat to fuel their red-blooded murders and acquisitions, and vegetarian food is merely for losers and secretaries (who should really be at their desks/collecting dry cleaning/returning videotapes/buying birthday presents for the wife for their dark masters); us meedja whores of Soho have a different diet, as befits our calm and stress free lifestyles.
Anyway, okay. Ambience is pretty grim, what with being underground, and there's not enough tables, so we sat down by Cafe Nero, and twenty minutes in were asked to move on by a barista despite the empty tables around us. Cue enragement and barefaced lying, where we said we'd come in and buy a coffee immediately afterwards, and then flounced off instead when we were done. That, along with the barman in the Marlborough Head trying to pick a fight with one of his customers on Tuesday night, suggests there really is too much anger in London at the moment, and it might be time to get out. Bristol tonight it is then...


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