Sunday, March 22, 2009

Done in

Ran the Tokyo marathon today. Unofficial time of 3:46:35, which is my slowest to date. What can I take to cheer myself up from this?
First marathon I've done without training properly - I had a cold that knocked my training off completely for the last two weeks, plus the parents visited so I was stressed about that rather than concentrating on running interminable miles every day of the week, plus, er, well, to go on would be to heap a bunch of excuses. Didn't train properly, didn't get the time I wanted. Will graph my training volume vs the prescribed amount soon, and will probably be quite embarassed.
Managed to get all the way round - this is a good thing. There were various points where I really did want to just jack it in and stop - probably between 20 and 30 k where my legs didn't seem capable of running, or most of the period after that when I felt the kilometres getting longer and longer, or just that wierd feeling of utter misery that kicked in a few times through the second half of the course (mostly when I was pushing, strangely - at least it felt faster).
And I would have gone two minutes faster if I hadn't had to rush into a toilet at about 7k. :-(
And I've got a medal, and a t-shirt, and a commemorative towel. For sheer stuff and the efficiency of organisation, Tokyo can't be beat. OK, the course is almost entirely flat (which isn't a complete blessing - I blame that for my legs being fried by half way through) but this was the easiest marathon to get to and to get around. And ok, it chucked it down with rain, but at least it wasn't the Gold Coast from last year, where I had to get up at a god-awful hour rather than have a civilised start.
However, I'm not sure that they should have started the wheelchair marathon with the clown music from the circus. Wasn't that a little bit off?
Pre marathon
This is me before.
And this is me after.
Post marathon
Compare and contrast.
Here's the GPS results. Naughty Mr Garmin went to sleep for an hour in the middle and woke up all confused - hence my apparent ability to teleport from one part of the course to another, and also (apparently) my marathon being 5k longer than expected. I did say it was hard...

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