Tuesday, February 02, 2010


It's strange how physical sensations can prompt memories. Although I've been eating madelines all afternoon, and I can't remember a word of Proust.

I did listen to the Tiger Lillies' "Hampsters" on the way home, and I was instantly transported to a field in Thetford, music, bodies and parts of bicycles spilling out of a car as we prepared for a race. Oh, those were the days: drinking so much whisky the night before that we couldn't stand, and then still trying to race the next day. Or worse - but that's a tale for another day, and involves hire cars and misbehaviour.

Being instantly transported to a pine forest in the Fens is jolly inconvenient if you're trying to get home to pick up the laundry. Lucky it was only a metaphor there, eh?

I'm going to stop drinking coffee again. After two days on it, all that happens is I get Very Bloody Angry for no apparent reason. Maybe over time this effect will fade, but that doesn't strike me as incredibly positive. And in any case, I need to be healthier. Last night I ate half a packet of not-particularly-wonderful biscuits without really noticing, and then got in a sulk when I was told I'd ingested 500 wasteful calories by mistake. Not that I had. It was more like 540 calories.

But no more biscuits! No more coffee! I wonder what I'll find to spend my money on. Perhaps a vintage copy of the Revolting Cocks' Linger Ficken Good cd, although the only place I seem to be able to find that is bitTorrent. Ho hum.

Tonight I get to try out a new joke. Or perhaps it's an old joke of somebody else's, misremembered as I slumbered last night:
Americans seem to France a hard time, but they should not forget, if it hadn't been for the French, they'd all be speaking English.
Properly, that is.
... Which combines the old you-dont-appreciate-wot-we-did-in-the-war-for-you with a helpful bit of history about which country was selling the American Revolutionaries their guns. Not sure as it's as nice as the old

Americans say "if it wasn't for us, you'd all be speaking German." Well, in today's economy, a second language is very helpful.

- I just wish I could remember who I should credit with that, and whether my version is pallid plagiarism of someone else.

Oh, and my laundry isn't done, so I left work for nothing. Damn you, laundry! I could have sat at my desk for another hour!


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