I'm lying on my bed, hardly capable of typing, staring at my toe which is turning a darker purple, and I'm worrying whether I've broken something or just bruised it really badly.
Today I had my grading exam, which involved sweating more than I could imagine. By the end sweat was falling off my face in huge fat droplets. There was so much sweat in my eyes that I was finding it hard to see, and skidding across the floor in puddles of the stuff.
Apart from that, and struggling to hold on to my partner for any of the grabs, it didn't seem to be too bad. I took a kick to the leg that's left me limping for the rest of the day, and I did a bad kick with the other leg that's left me with this purple toe. But I didn't keel over at the time, and even if it is broken, there's not much that can be done for it.
Now, given a few hours for my body to slow down and the adrenalin wear off, I keep finding new bruises or cuts, or making noises like somebody very old whenever I have to stand up or sit down. Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight, at least until the cat clambers up onto the bookshelves and kicks all my cufflinks into my face.
Crikey! That's killed my appetite for a while. So glad it's not a scratch and sniff screen. Oh! And hope you get well soon and all that...
Oh crumbs! Sorry about that! I must point out that the photo doesn't really do it justice - it's a much fouler purple than it appears here. Then again, you seem capable of coping with injured bats, so the sight of the odd damaged foot (and it's quite odd for me to be putting pictures of my feet on the web) shouldn't be too much of a hardship...
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