This gave us lots of time to walk around KLIA LCC, and to eat disgusting food at the Starbucks there, before I went to get a stand-by ticket back to Singapore. Every time I went to the ticket counter the security staff x-rayed my bag, which means it's probably the safest piece of luggage in Asia. Or it's about to develop super powers.
My stand-by seat was on a plane leaving 50 minutes before my wife's, and half an hour after I got the ticket, so I sprinted to security (where they peered at the two watches on my arm) then ran to immigration, who checked me through in 2 minutes flat - better than the indolent lump who wanted to take half an hour per person last time I was in KL - and then on to the plane.
Or rather, to the gate, and then a 400 metre yomp to the plane, but it was at least an exit row seat and I was up in the air and home to Singapore before 11, whereas my wife's flight was delayed, which meant I had even more time to sit in Quiznos and eat barbecue flavoured crisps while I waited for her.
Yeah, I know how to use my time efficiently.
Our taxi back to our flat was similarly chilled; I then spent the rest of the day sparked out on the sofa, incapable of any meaningful action. So no change there. In the evening I wrote a few more Tripadvisor reviews, and discovered that somebody in Singapore says pizza parlours are racist if the staff look at their watches. Am I missing some subtext there?
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