Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Resolutions for 2009 (part 1)

A few simple things to knock off first:
Run 2 marathons - Tokyo in March, and something at the end of the year (either Seoul or Taipei)
Sell 48 more copies of Diet Croydon - a somewhat arbitrary number, but that is 4 per month for each month of the year
Take an interesting photograph every week - because every day is probably too much, and any less frequent is too little

Here's 2008's resolutions. I tried not to look at the list too often throughout the year, but it's instructive to pause now and consider what I hit and what I missed.
Ran a marathon; haven't been able to do 100 press ups or sit ups yet but we have until the 31st; haven't been getting anywhere close to 8 hours sleep every night; still playing Solitaire in those bored moments, caught out without a book to read; still cheery; haven't planned a novel; only wrote 1 letter this year, not 12; haven't learned to waltz yet; have been taking public transport to work because I'm in the wrong country to cycle; haven't managed a month off booze or fizzy pop; likewise coffee; a girlfriend? (that's a more difficult one to define*); something cultural every month - does going to stand-up count?; got my back massaged most months that I've been in HK; and nowhere near shodan. So out of 15 that's 3 and a 12th (unless I can crank out 100 press ups when I get back to HK tomorrow). What does that teach us?
Well, possibly it's not a good idea to have too many goals. Or maybe I should have paced them a bit better - one thing to achieve every month for the year. But at the same time you need something to motivate you, and a list of variable size for the year should be enough to set some goals. Maybe this year I'll print it out and stick it to the bedroom door so I take more notice of it...
Anyhow, I'll consider this carefully and figure out what else I should be doing this year, and by the time I'm back in HK I should have a complete list of Things To Do for 2009... Suggestions gratefully received, although I may be the only person reading this...


Unknown said...

hi, don't know if you'll ever see this, but chanced upon your blog from hungrygowhere... I was surfing on the singapore version (being greedy), and have not been able to stop reading! would usually have stayed anonymous, but glad to find a kindred spirit who plays Solitaire instead of getting proper rest. Mine was Spider Solitaire, currently it's minesweeper. Hehehe.

Take care,

Mr Cushtie said...

Crikey! Somebody reads this! Is this a step towards fame and fortune at last?

Unknown said...

well, if you consider a readership of 1 as something positive...... then yes! but hey, I'm sure there're other anonymous readers out there. :)

Mr Cushtie said...

1 reader is infinitely more than none.. but if you liked this, maybe I can interest you in a book...

Unknown said...

believe it or not, I did check it out, but the preview was not helpful at all! So I just navigated away from the page and never went back since...

Mr Cushtie said...

Obviously I'm crushed by that... however, I have got a chap visiting Singapore for me next week, who'll have a copy of the book in his hands. Buy him some drinks and you can have it...

Unknown said...

Why have you got somebody visiting on your behalf? Have never heard anything like that before.

Anyhow, I've a better idea. I will pay him for the book and he will buy me drinks instead. That way, I save on shipping too!

heh heh heh

Mr Cushtie said...

When one is an international bon viveur and raconteur like myself, you often have to outsource visiting countries due to a overpacked schedule... it's hard being this glamourous

Unknown said...

Indeed... That must be really hard on you.

You'll be missing out!

Mr Cushtie said...

Ah, but I have been to Singapore before.
Got in a canoe, didn't drown, went home again. Wish it had been more eventful, somehow

Unknown said...

Getting in a canoe sounds eventful! But that's just me. Nothing in Singapore is ever that exciting. Or I've just been here too long...

Mr Cushtie said...

So jaded! Gosh!

Zap me an email at james at dietcroydon . com and I'll tell you where my helpful beer-purchasing book courier will be. Well, he's in South Africa at the moment, but I'm sure that will change given time.

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