Sunday, June 26, 2011

Roasting again

Running in the park

I woke up at 7 this morning, which would have been annoying if I was suffering from air conditioning, but much worse as I'd stayed up until 2am last night watching Max Payne.

I didn't watch all of Max Payne. We were watching it on a Region 6 DVD, which shouldn't play in my Region 1 DVD player, but does. For the first five sixths of the film, before inexplicably cutting out. The rotten thing. Maybe 'Region 6' actually means 'Region 1 with 16.6% removed'.

Oh well. Having woken up at 7 I felt dreadful, but I got back to sleep in time for my fiancee to wake me up three hours later and tell me I needed to be up and out of the house by midday.

Astute mathematicians may realise the pain this caused me, as I spent the next two hours trying to steal forty winks here or there.

It's still unbelievably hot. Nobody else in Hong Kong shares my scepticism, but they haven't been away in Geneva all week, so I suppose I'm the one with a correctly calibrated internal thermometer. This evening we went to sample the evening air in Victoria Park, or rather we got to walk alongside a freeway in the dark, and photograph very large snails.

I think I took a few decent shots, but I can't tell, because the computer, after being left on all week, is growing intransigent and won't take any pictures from my memory card. It won't even admit the memory card exists any more, which is a rather ostrich-like way of avoiding problems.

So having spent the very start of this day frustrated and freezing cold, watching Mark Wahlberg, I ended the day a bit frustrated and rather hot, trying to watch a slimy beast that carried its house on its back.

Damn, I was hoping for a decent analogy there.

I'd write more, but my eyes are going in different directions. And so to bed.


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